Wednesday, June 29, 2016

It's hard letting go!

    We did lots of research before making the decision to go tiny. Everything we read and watched said that getting rid of your things is extremely emotionally difficult. I understood how that could be possible, we put a lot of emotional value in the objects we acquire over time.
    I don't feel that I have many belongings that I'm emotionally tied to. A few pieces of jewelry, the bench Richard made for me after we lost our last baby, and some photos. I figured I could take a few of the small things with me and probably store a couple of others. Everything else in my 7 bedroom house I was thrilled to sell and see what we could get for it. Once we started posting things for sale I was so excited to see all the money roll in.
    It turns out I was wrong. For a few years I've been collecting owls, I really like them and have fun collecting different ones. I love them but didn't think I placed much emotional value in them. When a woman was at our house buying some other things she mentioned that she also collects owls and Richard proceeded to show her my owls that were up for sale. I stayed in the camper working on renovation and soon found myself crying. It turns out I wasn't as prepared to let go of all my things as I thought.
    We are each having our tender moments of adjusting to this new life and letting things go. For me it's the owls, for Richard it was his dragon collection, for Caydance it was the clothes. It will be interesting to see what other belongings have their claws in us.

1 comment:

  1. It's funny what small things can have a big impact on us. You will forget all about those things soon though. You'll be to busy having fun and enjoying experiences rather than belongings. I love you guys and I'm excited to watch your adventure play out!
